The Importance of Aligning Your Keyword Strategy with User Intent

User intent, also known as search intent, refers to the reason behind a user’s search query. Understanding user intent is crucial for both search engines and marketers, as it helps to determine the most relevant and valuable results for a particular search.

User Search Intent

User Search Intent

There are several different types of user intent, including informational, navigational, transactional, and commercial investigation.


Informational intent refers to searches that are seeking information or knowledge on a particular topic. These types of searches might include questions or phrases like “what is the capital of France?” or “how to cook a turkey.”


Navigational intent refers to searches that are seeking a specific website or web page. These types of searches might include a brand name, a login page, or a specific URL.


Transactional intent refers to searches that are seeking to complete a specific action, such as making a purchase or booking a reservation. These types of searches might include phrases like “buy running shoes” or “book a hotel in New York City.”


Commercial investigation intent refers to searches that are related to research or comparison shopping for a particular product or service. These types of searches might include phrases like “best laptops under $500” or “compare cell phone plans.”

Why User Intent is Important

Understanding user intent is important for several reasons. For search engines, it helps to ensure that the most relevant and valuable results are returned for a particular search. As a marketer, understanding user intent can help to determine your content strategy and paid advertising campaigns, and can also help to improve the user experience on your website.

By analyzing user intent and aligning content and advertising efforts with the needs and goals of users, you can improve your search rankings and increase the chances of converting visitors into customers.

Choosing Keywords Based on User Intent

Choosing the right keywords is an important aspect of optimizing a website for search engines and improving its visibility in search results. When selecting keywords, it’s important to consider user intent and the type of content or actions that users are seeking when they perform a particular search.

If a user is searching for information on a particular topic, such as “how to train a dog,” it would be helpful for a website to use keywords related to that topic in order to attract visitors who are seeking informational content. On the other hand, if a user is searching for a specific product or service, such as “buy dog leash,” it would be more effective for a website to use transactional keywords in order to attract visitors who are ready to make a purchase.

The Four Types of User Intent

For example, if you’re writing about “how to get your dog accustomed to walking on a leash”, it would be off-topic and potentially confusing to the reader to discuss the prices of different leashes. Including irrelevant or off-topic information in an article can cause readers to become confused or disinterested, leading them to leave the webpage quickly, also known as “bouncing.” A high bounce rate can be harmful to a website’s search rankings and overall performance.

To avoid a high bounce rate, it’s important to consider the user’s intent when writing each article and providing relevant information that aligns with their needs and expectations, in other words – with their intent. This will help to keep the reader engaged and on track with the topic at hand, leading to a better user experience and potentially lower bounce rate.

By aligning your keyword strategy with user intent, you can help ensure that your website’s content and advertising efforts are targeted towards the right audience and are more likely to result in conversions. This will help to improve your search rankings and drive even more relevant traffic to your website.

What Percentage Of Informational vs Transactional Posts Should A Website Have?

The appropriate percentage of informational versus transactional content on a website will depend on the specific goals and audience of the website, as well as the type of products or services being offered.

In general, it’s important for a website to have a balance of both informational and transactional content in order to provide value to a wide range of users. Informational content can help to establish a website as an authoritative source of information and can attract visitors who are seeking knowledge or guidance on a particular topic. Transactional content, on the other hand, can help to drive conversions and revenue for the website by providing users with the opportunity to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or booking a service.

Ultimately, the appropriate balance of informational and transactional content will depend on the specific goals of the website and the needs of its target audience. It may be helpful to track the performance of different types of content and adjust the balance accordingly in order to optimize for the best results.

What are You Looking for?

Examples of User Intent

Here are some examples of each type of user intent:

Informational intent

  • “What is the capital of France?”
  • “How to cook a turkey”
  • “Symptoms of the flu”

Navigational intent

  • “Facebook login”
  • “CNN news website”
  • “YouTube tutorial on knitting”

Transactional intent

  • “Buy running shoes”
  • “Book a hotel in New York City”
  • “Order pizza online”

Commercial investigation intent

  • “Best laptops under $500”
  • “Compare cell phone plans”
  • “Top-rated vacuum cleaners”

Understanding the specific user intent behind a search query can help to form the content and advertising efforts of a website and improve its visibility in search results. By aligning your content and keyword strategy with the needs and goals of your target audience, you can help to drive more relevant and valuable traffic to your website.

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